You are busy! We know that. That’s why we don’t think you should have to clean your own house. Imagine that. To walk in to your home knowing the bedsheets were all changed, the showers are clean, the floors are no longer sticky. Isn’t that nice? And now you can have some time to yourself before the hubby and the kids come home and destroy it all in a matter of minutes. (Because, face it, that’s what’ll happen.)
Here are a few reasons why you shouldn’t be cleaning your own house:
1.) Be honest, how many arguments have you and your family gotten into regarding cleaning? It’s like trying to pull teeth. No one wants to spend their limited weekend time scrubbing toilets. I’m not saying you should let your family trash the house to avoid an argument of cleaning, but straightening up a bedroom or playroom is not the same as cleaning a bathroom. Of course, kids should have some responsibilities depending on their age and how much they can handle, but seriously, how many times have you and your hubby argued over who did the last load of dishes? Avoid the argument completely by having someone else do the work for you!
2.) As stated earlier, you only get a matter of hours over the weekend to spend it with your family. Enjoy that time. Go out to eat or take a weekend trip away. Maybe go to Carowinds for the day.
3.) Try something new. If one of your major complaints is that there isn’t enough time in the day, give yourself more time. By hiring a cleaning service, usually a team can complete an entire house cleaning in about three hours. Take those three hours and meet a friend for coffee, or try a new restaurant that just opened. Go skydiving! The possibilities are endless but wouldn’t you rather do any of those things than clean your house?
4.) Take time for yourself. Could you imagine getting a massage or a mani/pedi, then coming home to a clean house?! You could get a head start on that best seller you’ve been dying to read!
5.) This is probably the most important piece of information I tell our customers, so listen up. Some people think there is a real stigma to hiring a cleaning company. Here’s my advice. How much is your time worth to you? Think about it. If you can pay between $80-$100 per cleaning and you can have fresh bedsheets and clean bathrooms in less than three hours isn’t that worth it knowing that it will probably take you all day to do what we can do in a matter of hours? How many times have you been cleaning an area and two minutes later your kids dump a box of Legos on the floor. What is the saying? Cleaning the house when the kids are home is like trying to brush your teeth while eating Oreo’s.
6.) Get rid of that, “I swear I JUST cleaned this!” feeling. You know what I mean. You sweep and mop the kitchen floor and in run the kids, “I’m hungry! She’s looking at me! He won’t let me in his room!” Before you know it you’ve got crumbs all over the counters and little footprints all over your freshly mopped floor.
7.) I don’t know about you, but occasionally I find myself asking “How can we live in this mess?” Not that my house is disgusting, but yes there are areas that get cleaned more than others. Summertime in the South means that my fans are on high circulation constantly! It’s those times where I flip I switch and realize there is about a pound of dust on each fan blade and jeeze someone should clean that. Then the germaphobe in me kicks in “Oh wow, we’ve just been breathing in this mess for weeks! How can we live in this mess?!” Hiring a cleaning company can help because they follow a guideline to make sure areas you don’t think about, like ceiling fans, get dusted on a regular basis.
8.) Who wants to clean? Seriously. After taking the kids to and from school, soccer practice, dance lessons, cooking dinner, going grocery shopping, doing laundry, planning the upcoming week, who has time to clean anymore? If you find yourself thinking, “if only there were a few hours more in a day,” then we are the cleaning company for you!
9.) This is the excuse I used to tell my mom when she would have me make my bed in the morning. “Why? I’m just going to sleep in it again tonight?” I’m 28 years old and I still don’t make my bed….ever….because of this same reason. So what’s the difference between that and the rest of the house? Why clean when it’s just going to get messy again, right?
10.) Lastly, leave it to the pros. There is no stigma in getting some extra help around the house. We know you are busy and we know you are responsible for an ENTIRE family! That’s a lot to keep up with nowadays! Take some stress off your plate and let us help. We use a 66-point checklist to make sure your home is sparkling clean. (Here it is, if you don’t believe me.) Plus, our customers say we clean their house better than they would any way.
And there you have it. Ten reasons why you shouldn’t be cleaning your own house. We would love to take some stress off your plate! We use all-natural products that are safe to use around kids and pets. All of our employees are bonded and insured. We have tons of references and we are probably already cleaning someone’s house in your neighborhood! Schedule your free estimate today by calling Kristin at 803-366-1766.